Importance of Running – Learning from Tom & Jerry

Importance of Running – Learning from Tom & Jerry

Dr. Keyur Parikh (Dr. Parikh) meets Tom and Jerry Tom and Dr. Keyur Parikh (Dr. Parikh) Tom: Hey, Dr. Parikh! We’ve been chasing each other around all day. Is that a good way to stay fit? Dr. Parikh: Absolutely, Tom! Chasing and running around like you two do is...
Recipes for High Cholesterol For Gujaratis!

Recipes for High Cholesterol For Gujaratis!

Before decoding the diets for cholesterol you need to understand the chemical make-up of the cholesterol which is to be incorporated into your diets. There are predominantly three kinds of cholesterol; HDL(High-density Lipoprotein), LDL(Low-Density Lipoprotein), and...

Gradual blockage preferable.

Gradual blockage preferable. A gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries is preferable as this gives time to alternative, arteries (called collateral arteries) to become functional, and supply blood to the deprived parts. Sometimes, a small plaque may rupture inside...