Mar 1, 2019 | Know Your Heart
में स्वयं की देखभाल किस प्रकार कर सकता...Feb 28, 2019 | Know Your Heart
હું મારી જાતની સંભાર કઈ રીતે લઇ...Feb 27, 2019 | Know Your Heart
How can you take care of yourself? Follow your doctor’s prescription sincerely. Reduce fatty food and food with high amounts of cholesterol. Practise Yoga. Exercise regularly under a doctor’s guidance. Keep checking blood sugar regularly. It is necessary...Feb 26, 2019 | Know Your Heart
इलाज.#diabetes#diabetesmellitus#hearthealth#healthyyou#keyurparikh 25, 2019 | Know Your Heart
સારવાર.#diabetes#diabetesmellitus#hearthealth#healthyyou#keyurparikh 23, 2019 | Know Your Heart
Treatment. If you are overweight, reduce your weight. Avoid sweet food. Take regular exercise. Start walking every day. The main aim of treatment in diabetes is to reduce the blood sugar levels to acceptable limits. The second aim in treatment of diabetes is to...