Jan 23, 2019 | Know Your Heart
अदृश्य कातिल नंबर 2: डायबिटीज...Jan 22, 2019 | Know Your Heart
છૂપો કાતિલ નંબર 2: ડાયાબિટીસ...Jan 21, 2019 | Know Your Heart
Silent killer number 2: Diabetes mellitus. This is a metabolic disorder in which the patient’s cells cannot use sugar properly. Metabolism is the series of chemical changes in the living body by which life is maintained. Sugar, meaning glucose, is the source of...Jan 8, 2019 | Know Your Heart
વજન ઘટાડવાથી બીપી...Dec 31, 2018 | Know Your Heart
Can weight loss reduce high blood pressure ? If you are overweight, and you change your dietary habits and reduce your weight by 5 to 10 kg gradually, your blood pressure will decrease. Salt restriction in your diet will also help reduce BP. The right amount of...Dec 25, 2018 | Know Your Heart
Treatment of HBP. Reduce weight if you are overweight; restrict salt in food. Bringing down blood pressure to acceptable limits is the primary aim of treatment. Prevention of damage to vital organs like heart, brain, kidneys and eyes is very important in the long...