Aug 31, 2019 | Know Your Heart
જયારે હૃદય ને લોહી ઓછું પહોંચે છે ત્યારે ખરેખર શું થાય...
Aug 30, 2019 | Know Your Heart
What exactly happens when the heart is deprived of blood? Remarkably, the brave little organ still keeps on pumping blood, but less efficiently. The arrows show the damaged part of the heart, Which depends on which artery is...
Aug 29, 2019 | Know Your Heart
जब धमनियों को रक्त कम मात्रा में पहुँचता है तब असल में क्या होता...
Aug 28, 2019 | Know Your Heart
જયારે હૃદય ને લોહી ઓછું પહોંચે છે ત્યારે ખરેખર શું થાય...
Aug 27, 2019 | Know Your Heart
Unstable angina. It Unstable Angina, the patient suffers chest pain and discomfort frequently; it lasts longer, and does not get better even after medication. Also if stable angina turns into unstable angina, the patient’s condition can...
Aug 27, 2019 | Know Your Heart
What exactly happens when the heart is deprived of blood? If some blood still flows, the patient has chest pain and discomfort. This condition is called Unstable Angina. If the blood supply is totally stopped, the part of the heart, not served by blood supply owing to...