Jul 24, 2019 | Know Your Heart
બંધ નળીઓનું પરિણામ:...
Jul 23, 2019 | Know Your Heart
Angina pectoris. In some patients the pain may be less intense, while in other it may last longer, and occur in places other it may last longer, and occur in places other than the centre of the chest, in the shoulder, jaw or back. Others with angina may also have...
Jul 23, 2019 | Blogs, English, Know Your Heart
Blood for the Heart Although so much blood flows through the heart it gets no nourishment on its own. The heart has to depend on the coronary arteries for blood to keep itself fit. Having to work so hard, the heart demands and gets one of the richest blood...
Jul 22, 2019 | Blogs, English, Know Your Heart
Fancy Electric Pump The heart is indeed a biological miracle. Fist-sized, it pumps blood through the entire body for a whole life time, day and night. It is the blood which supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body. It is through the blood again, ...
Jul 22, 2019 | Know Your Heart
बंद नलियों का परिणाम:...
Jul 21, 2019 | Know Your Heart
બંધ નળીઓનું પરિણામ:...