Dec 13, 2018 | Others
Silent killer number 1- High blood pressure. If HBP and DM are detected early, such patients can lead a normal life and suffer very few complications. Well treated hypertensives and diabetics may live as normally as persons without these diseases. But if these...Oct 30, 2018 | Others
લોહી પાછું કેવી રીતે આવે? #bloodflow#heartpumping#bloodcirculation#humanheart#keyurparikhOct 23, 2018 | Others
ચક્ર ચાલતુંજ રહે છે. #bloodflow#heartpumping#bloodcirculation#humanheart#keyurparikhOct 5, 2017 | Others
How can you take care of yourself? Follow your doctor’s prescription sincerely.Reduce fatty food and food with high amounts of cholesterol.Practise Yoga.Exercise regularly under a doctor’s guidance. Keep checking blood sugar regularly. It is necessary to...Oct 5, 2017 | Others
में स्वयंकी देखभाल किस प्रकार कर सकता हूँ.#diabetesmellitus#diabetes#mellitus#drkeyurparikhOct 3, 2017 | Others